Monday, February 20, 2012


This week we talked all about marriage and the steps that lead into marriage. The first step to marriage is dating. Dating is how we get to know the other person and their likes and dislikes and from that we see if we want to continue dating them. If so, we court them, which in today's terms that is exclusive dating. Dating/courting someone can easily lead into marriage, that is why we have to be careful. My mom always tells me I need to be careful who I date because I will marry whoever I date. Our teacher told us that we should see our boyfriend or girlfriend in every season of the year to know how they handle certain situations.
After someone gets engaged they need to have a short engagement, three or four months because that is the time that most people "slip up." I feel this is the time Satan really gets a hold of the couple. He wants so badly to destroy the family that he will tempt us so much during this time. During engagement the couple plans a wedding and prepares for a marriage. A wedding is just the ceremony that seals the couple together but the marriage is the act of living together and learning how to work as a unit with each other and with children. Once the couple is married they have to learn how to balance a budget, which is a major reason for divorce, and they need to learn how to separate routines such as laundry, dishes, etc. I think this is important to start with your roommates because you learn how to depend on others. I really hope when I'm married I will be able to handle the responsibilities assigned to me and that my husband and I can learn and grow together and stay together forever.

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