Sunday, January 29, 2012
What is a family?
A big question this week in my Family Relations class this week was what is a family? Each of us came to an agreement that a family is a man and a woman that is legally married and sealed in the temple for time and all eternity and begin to have children. This brought up the big question of gay and lesbian families. Are they functional and alright with the views of society? Can children effectively be brought up in homosexual families. There were different answers thrown around but for me personally I still do not really have a set in stone answer. I want to say no because I just think homosexual families are wrong but that does not mean they can't effectively raise a happy family. I would rather families be the usual mom and dad but with the way the world is going that is being lessened each day. For the most part I think the children raised in these families can be raised to be successful and happy adults but at the same time I think their homosexual tendencies are raised dramatically. I will never agree with homosexual families but there is nothing I can do about it. Society plays a huge role in this as well. People justify things to make it seem like nothing is wrong when in reality it goes against most peoples morals.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Family Systems/Theories
This week in my Family Relations class we discussed family systems/theories. There are four types of theories, systems, exchange, conflict, and symbolic theory. If I were to define which category my family fell under it would be exchange theory. Each member of my family is very kind and willing to serve, we often do nice things for each other. It is kind of an unspoken rule that you do something nice for them in return. I love that we have this in our family. I feel like we all get along better because we live in a serviceable family. An example that was given in class was when your mom calls to make sure that you are safe or you got your package, essentially to alleviate her worries towards you. This has my mom written all over it. If I have to drive long distances I have to call her on my way out, halfway through the drive, and when I get there. I feel like families that have legitimate worries about each other are caring families. We also talked about the most important relationships in families. We all came to the conclusion that if the mom and dad do not have a healthy relationship then the rest of the family will not fall together correctly. I firmly believe that. I think that "If mom isnt happy then nobody is happy" applies to this. If there is a rift between the parents then the children will sometimes learn to solve their own problems with conflict because that is how they have seen their parents do it. I am grateful for parents who get along and love each other. I can honestly say that I have never once heard my parents yell at each other. They know how to resolve things civilly and keep the spirit in our home.
Friday, January 13, 2012
My opinion on the importance of children
There were many topics that were discussed this week in my Family Relations class. There was one topic that really pulled me in. We talked a lot about children and delaying having children. I understand if you find you partner later in life and you have to wait to have kids, but if you are married and you purposely wait to have kids I find that selfish. The Lord commanded us to multiple and replinsh the earth, why go against His word. I guess I am just one of those mormon girls who is dying to have kids but I still think it is our duty as children of God to have a family. My family foundations class goes along with this topic. My teacher said that the plan of salvation is all about families and learning to become more like God. He said something that was very profound to me, he said, parenthood is Godhood. Our purpose here on earth is to become more like Him, one step of that is having a family. Families and children are extremely important to me and will always hold a special place in my heart. I will never hold off having children, what a great blessing it will be once I have them.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Welcome to my blog!
This is the first blog that I have ever made, I think it's kind of fun! It is the beginning of a new year and I want to start things of right. My new years resolution is to become more Christ-like. So far, it is going great! I came across a scripture the other night I found in the Book of Mormon ( http://lds.org/scriptures/bofm?lang=eng). In 3 Nephi 12:6 it reads, "And blessed are all they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost." This impressed me because I have really been trying to feel the spirit more in my life and for some reason this scripture hit me so hard. It is such a simple concept with such incredible power! Christ is the epitome of righteousness. Applying this to my life each day has made a huge difference. Personally, I feel like when we earnestly keep the commandments we are happy people, but when we don't we are not as happy. It is just that simple, you do what is right and you will be happy. Granted, it is not easy to always so the right thing but I testify that when we earnestly try doing the right thing our Father in Heaven notices and will pour out His blessings on us. I hope we can all strive to be more Christ-like this year!
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